Before the Commodore 64 and Amiga 2000 there was this under a Xmas tree a long, long time ago...[IMG] [MEDIA]
/Library/Application\ Support/EZDrummer
https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts https://objective-see.org/products/lulu.html
Love Sax. Love SWAM. Sampling-wise; some nice sounding Kontakt Brass - especially colossus: https://www.straightaheadsamples.com/ Peace
It's installed/included by default: Menu->Window->Audio Effects... (on mac) I use quite often to listen clearly to dialogs on modern video...
True, true. Alas you can review the list and the sources of the hosts are declared so you can double check. It's a very rare occurrence to me that...
Cuckos get fucked in the llama's ass!:bleh: [MEDIA]
Just get as much RAM as you can afford, maybe a little more :) P.S. M-chipped systems are SILENT by default ... so nice for music making
[MEDIA] 1:44 chills
Interesting question: I don't know but from reading up (need to do moar) I gather that ::1 is equivalent to and :: is equivalent to...
Very happy with this: https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts
Thank You and see You on The Other Side [MEDIA]
/Users/YourUserName/Library/Application Support/Addictive Drums 2/External MIDI Files
Can't imagine 48GB(!!!!!!) of midi files ... that seems excessive by ANY standards. You might have others stuff beside midi that might choke the...
I just click on the window background (katfile window) to gain focus and then hit tab until I get to the download link that starts the countdown....
Idem! Temporary fix: use tab to get to the download link
Remeber https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/creamware-pulsar ?:guru: Of course, the world wouldn't be a fair place if there weren't at least...
Separate names with a comma.