Hans Zimmer Masterclass - 8-Bit & Chiptune [MEDIA]
This contest brought out a whole lot of nasty. It honestly felt more like a publicity stunt... I seriously doubt they listened to all submissions,...
My life has been changed forever. I finally understand how you got the name Majestic. It was the year 2020... After the disappointing year prior...
I'm still disappointed that audiosex stands for only ear banging. I thought it was a betaphor.
Now they are offering Ozone free, Iris 2 was free already as well.
https://splice.com/plugins/38774457-ozone-9-elements-vst-au-by-izotope Ozone 9 Elements is free now if you don't want the bundle.
The TENET logo, TEN and then ET is flipped in the youtube video for me, it's where I was getting half and half but don't mind me, your way makes...
12 pages my gosh, I need a TL;DR summary. I come here to listen to music, not read books! My Summary of this page - The Pirates of some sea made...
So based on the logo, shouldn't the contribution be added halfway and then reversed for the rest of the track? I think your way could still work...
Works great! So awesome to release this free.
Sounds good, very fluffy easy listening. Sounds like stuff to be playing in the background during a conversation party, not over powering.
There's a LOT of sound devs out there. We're just saying why we choose to give to company A instead of company B. I couldn't care less if he...
@The Pirate 100%. They don't have a great track record and they're saying they're going to fix that, but that remains to be seen. Although the...
But that's what we are talking about here. If you pirated all their stuff it ran way better than official stuff. Pirated worked perfectly fine and...
Max 2 was nuts. Cross Grade buying ST4SE on sale plus instant Jam points, was like 160-170? I have 13 bucks on PB anyways, but I dunno about this...
There's a lot of banning being called for. Back in my day we just punched and stabbed each other until our differences were... resolvedish. Like,...
I live by one simple rule, nothing I put on my production computer is illegally obtained. Everything has a paper trail. I don't need that BS in my...
This was on FaceBook for over a month... I was tempted, but I never use their stuff, heard good things though.
The other day, I had my dongle in my best friends port, he moaned as he put it in. He said he couldn't find one and I tried to help but it just...
I still don't understand this thread. I'm pretty sure The Pirate and Talula had a baby named JackeyJakeWacko. Due to this birth they felt entitled...
Separate names with a comma.