Hello. I have the opportunity to acoustically adapt the room that was used as a studio. Currently, these are bare walls. The room that is to be...
Bezpiecznik Audio Vcl-25a is a good alternative. It does not affect the low and high band like El rey.
Hello. I have had an external EQ for some time. I want to use it not only for tracking but as a plugin in Studio One5 in vst PopelineXT. I have...
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Dobry wynik przez 20 minut.
There is a lot in this language of "s". I'm curious how long did it take you to do this remix?
What's interesting about this sound?
Jeśli chodzi o przetwarzanie, nie mam z tym problemu. Wydawało mi się, że to nie brzmi tak, jak powinno.
Dźwięk jest odległy, niezbyt szczegółowy
Hello. I have a problem and at the same time a question: Is everything ok with the sound of this vocal? This is WA87 and it seems to be not...
Separate names with a comma.