I think it is a 6.70 problem, happens to me in presonus.
So TikTok recently started "music Royalties". I have a song that got 2 million something streams, not sure for what, maybe someone used it in one...
You can run the Windows 11 installation assistant in windows 7 compatibility mode and it doesn't check your hardware. I installed it on an older...
I see there is a mac version patched. Is there a way to use the mac patch with windows?
T-Racks Stealth
Seems like I fudged something up in firefox when I modified the tabs in about:config Got it sorted out and works fine now.
Log into peeplink? No, I guess I should register.
With Firefox I can't open peeplink links, just goes to a blank page when I click anywhere on the page. Anyone else have this problem? And is there...
So how do you delete audionews account? I can't find it. Can't seed my old torrents and want to try and start over.
Sometimes when I drag an audio region into another track, the whole thing crashes. Does anyone else have this problem?
Now my favorite drum library. Really well done. The Mdrummer is a little confusing though.
Anyone tried these? Don't see them around anywhere. They sound really good on their website, but you never know until you try them in a mix....
I went over and lost all my torrent files to seed. So I try to pay 15 bucks for more GB's and my bank put a stop on my account. Something about...
I have death expansion library path as C:\Program Files (x86)\Toontrack\Superior\Superior Drummer 2.0\SL-Death and it works fine. Have you tried...
Anyone been able to install the channel strip collection in studio 4? I can't seem to get it to show up. Any instruction will be appreciated.
Separate names with a comma.