still got this in a drawer somewhere [IMG]
xo drum machine plugin has a built in cloud where it auto previews everything you touch and you can filter for kick snare lengh etc.
in studio one you can detect chords in audio or midi then send to chord bar on top. then auto reharmonize samples and chords to them. there is...
lol I can't finish tracks just like everybody:wink:
yea thanks it was philosophic and functional I guess. so question one and question three. thanks
Basically I love the soundrack they just announced a sequel and I've been thinking of springing for a few elektrons to add to my setup. I make...
I have a vdrum kit and am setting up kits in studio one impact. what kind of samples or drum synth to get trents later releases drum sounds? also...
jon's favourite synth is an ms20 and uses it in most tracks. this track is almost exclusive ms20 any tips on achieving it? i have the mini version
I'm looking for 8 in/ 8 out desk so I can do multiple channel outboard processing at the same time. most of what I can find only do 4 outs
a lot of producers record at 15/30 inch per second tape, then slow it down to manipulate the timbre/ pitch. can this be done with plugins? I use...
I love the sight below tasteful minimalism. any ideas how to get this sound?
how did they get the hummy choir sound @ 3.30? just human voices or a vocal synth good ways of achieving tasteful choirs that aren't film/game...
Working fine for me thanks dude
[MEDIA] in the library scene the pad sounds really early aphex twin to me
all 'pro' guitarists worth their salt have a eq in their pedal chain. I have an empress paraeq which gets me from bebop to led zep on most amps
oh yea I love jon I mined his ama's on reddit for nuggets of info. he also did an episode on the songexploder podcast.
Yes I've read that before thanks
sorry what do you mean by reprocessing? bouncing and the applying the effects again? cheers
Separate names with a comma.