Ohh my God. I just read this post and I'm really shocked. :woot: He was a Mister Nice Guy. I had several very nice and honest discussions with...
Hmm, I think that must have been around the time the Iron Maiden was invented. :rofl: [IMG]
Two of my alltime favourites combined! GREAT! Well done! Although the Strangelove vocals level could be a bit less present in the mix. :wink::wink:
Das doofe ist nur, dass das Jobcenter Deinen Strom nicht bezahlt, sondern nur die Warmmiete (bzw. Kaltmiete + Nebenkosten). Alle, von Dir selbst...
Their most popular Song "Jane Birkin et Serge Gainsbourg - Je T'aime,...Moi Non Plus" That was real AUDIOSEX! [MEDIA]
Dont think so. Just uploaded a simple picture. Everything works fine. Just the same as the old zippy. Neither Avast nor uBlockOrigin or Windows...
Yes that is the "Remove Tool" that is already integrated in actual version. But the TO asked for the text box tool where you can simply type what...
This is a feature that is not included in the actual version but it will come. The feature is called Firefly Generative AI. Actually its only...
Gibt doch immernoch Exact Audio Copy. Da kann man alles einstellen..auch zum Thema Anzahl der Versuche bei der Fehlerkorrektur usw. Ist auch heute...
Andy Rourke, bassist for the Smiths, dies aged 59 :sad::(...
About as much as the size of my balls has to do with the arrangement of the planets in our solar system. So, quite a lot! :rofl::winker:
Really? And I thought your nickname was just pure coincidence. :rofl::mates::winker:
Best album since ULTRA. Was very dissapointed about the output of them in the last 20 years. Alan Wilder is really missing. Although Tim Simenon...
Ich bringe den sogar heutzutage noch ab und zu. :rofl: Aber der Clip aus der Sesamstraße ist echt der Knüller. Lach mich auch heute noch jedesmal...
Da ich auch nicht so oft in Bayern bin, kenne ich das nur aus TV-Serien in denen Bayrisch gesprochen wird. Aber da ist es wirklich immer so, dass...
...warum Bayern/innen es einfach nicht schaffen, zwischen "hier" und "da" zu unterscheiden. Die sagen immer "da". Warum? Und Zusatzfrage...wie...
hmm, as bit disasapointed! :winker::rofl: [IMG]
Use JDownloader!
As always. JDownloader. Its free and open source and able to download nearly everything! https://jdownloader.org/
Hase Cäsar - Rüben Rap ( Rap it, rabbit ! ) 1985 [MEDIA]
Separate names with a comma.