Nobody's mentioned it yet: Lindell ChannelX on Superior Drummer.
I'll leave the song on my site for a week then I'll take it down. I had fun making it, your music is really easy to listen to.
A medley of Silesia's tunes I downloaded after they said the tunes were all free. Recoil said they were going through some hard times so...
Wow, really nice music! You can download all my stuff for free too if interested, it's easy to listen to:
I'll play. In my 50+ years of music I've met 3 types of people: 1/3rd are into music to get laid, another 1/3rd are into music for the drugs and...
Hey dude, there may be something really bothering you on a sub-conscious level, like a change in your life that you may not be really focused on....
I use DADA, tuning up the 1st string to A.
I've used both in numerous guitars. The JB distorts better across a range of tones, the distortion is more treble focused.
The 3 most common ways for me: playing distortion bass, creating a drum track, creating a synth part then, building on it from there.
Final follow-up: Audio Assault actually came through and released a new version of Duality Bass Studio 1.2.5 that IS COMPATIBLE with Yosemite....
Follow-up: Audio Assault still ignoring my email requests for a refund more than a month after purchase so I filed a paypal dispute. I'll never...
I bought it for $12 (cheap I know) but it doesn't work with Yosemite and Logic 10.1, even though Audio Assault claims it does. I emailed them...
If you can go up to $99, this is loved by almost everyone:
I use Logic-only plugins after watching this video: [MEDIA] Compressor Vintage EQ Linear EQ Spread Compressor Adaptive Limiter
"You're not yourself today" "So what are ya tellin' me for"?
Thanks, I'll check it out!
Sounds cliche but I'm asking for a friend with no limits on amount he can spend. He needs it to be really fast. Thanks!
Greetings all, The Parker PDF series are great players with ebony necks and great sounding pickups ($400). Epiphone "Bully" from 2000 and 2001...
Separate names with a comma.