I miss the old days when the performance by a talented, competent artist/band WAS the show.
When I was 7 years old, I unscrewed the shade from a table lamp, unscrewed the light bulb, stuck my finger and turned it on. The stars to the left...
Do you have to put Viagra in the SD slot to get the screen to rise?
The FL Studio Police are comin' to gitcha! They'll turn you into a VST3 and put you in the next edition:rofl:
I'm 68, have a pension and can afford to make the music I want to instead of following the herd to the slaugterhouse. If people don't like it,...
No point. And that's the whole point. Turn off the video and make music instead.
You're not misognistic. You are misogynistic: mi·sog·y·nis·tic /məˌsäjəˈnistik/ adjective strongly prejudiced against women. "deeply ingrained...
The postman showed up with a pound of Nine Pound Hammer just in time for Christmas! As he departed I heard him say, "Ho,ho,ho!"
No problems here with Debrid-Link. Costs peanuts, no captcha's, and no taking a month to download a large file at throttled speeds and low daily...
Loved my old Sony reel to reel from 40 years ago. You could plug into the left input and run the left and right ins and outs into each other for...
I hear you. My father died of a brain aneurysm. My mother and sister both committed suicide, my sister on Christmas Day 2018. Even the dog had to...
I find it frustrating because boutique guitar makers like Dunlop, Powers, etc, insist on the 22 fret model. I'd love to buy a lot of guitars, but...
Hello, I'm not a guitarist and no expert but there are people here who are. I have all 24 fret guitars: Jackson and Ibanez. Started as a pianist...
If you upholster them :woot:
I prefer John Carpenter's technology :guru:
Some instruments sound great but you need wind or expression controllers and the skills to use them convincingly. I heard a string section demo...
As I've often stated, UA Connect will not work on my computer and they want me to uninstall half my programs as a solution. Never bought their...
The UA Connect software required to download and install their programs stopped working on my computer and their support told me I had to...
Separate names with a comma.