as far as i know should be 1:1 since the hardware is digital and they have the code,i remember that from years ago a friend of mine told me that....
i see is more flexible, the question is how many activations? hopefully they give at least 2 activations, i wish
29% cpu usage on my intel i9. very intensive
here you go mate!
RME here 18 years no problem! coming from profools HDX
if you ask me, i will use the second one! glad you like it!
and finally if you like maaaannnn use it, everything is made in photoshop and all layers are separated i forgot to put GENERATE the name of the...
same principle for the screen capture but different distribution, just roll up the preset name while maintain the category, and bummppp done!
for example in this distribution yo can highlight the preset name, keep in mind if you make a video "screen capture" you can use it as a...
@MBC_Music hi yo! i dunno the colors are quite off and the fonts are not you know readable enough less is more and the distribution is not...
very innovative..! :rofl: [ATTACH]
He had a very special way of taking care of the forum, we will miss him. vuela alto!
Kuassa WF3607 WAH FILTER hands down, give it a try with a pedal
here we go! and all the fx channels to save you some work and time! by the way, the equivalent of lo-fi is air lo-fi. i have made almost all the...
thanks mate i will try to compared with the old one cause i have all the new presets from 2023 but as fx channel, thanks again
if you have a link to a webstore or whatever please let me know. i'm interested in the new version of this template. thanks!
regarding the inserts that master fader is pre-fader because is an aux track, in aux tracks and all other tracks in pro tools except for the...
no, bro, I did not try that what I did was drop a mix tool at the end and use it, but lately, I've used the input gain as a master fader...
I know is shitty, I had the same struggle, I did exhaustive research, and that workflow is unique, not even reaper has it.
I have converted them, but not as a template, as fx channel since S1 is drag and drop to me is more convenient, sadly i don't have the new...
Separate names with a comma.