i need help to understand.. i manage to install and i think license working well since it load perfectly with my Nuendo 13 (u2b) on my M1 Sequoia...
hmmm... why is everyone assume it is -18dbfs unless u try to calibrate it with 1khz sinewave or whitenoise.. the idea of -18db nominal level is...
has anyone try this for Cubase/Nuendo on Sequoia ?
Krotos Concept 2 still available?
it could be as well defender or anti virus not allowing it.. could be as well an indicator of disk drive has issue,, few weeks ago i had this...
I think back then, just my 2 cent... Sonar was so popular (by user based number) because of it is the only DAW available K'd with every update. So...
haha... well it is super free if you can make a living out of it...don't be so bitter if you can't :)
im ex Sonar user since late 90s till up to 2017 i moved to Studio One. Along the way i did use other Daw for tracking and mixing such as...
try to check ur certificate that u created via xcode in keychain.. it should say "This certificate is valid"
are u copy the code and paste it in terminal? becareful because certain doc/text app tend to auto correct symbols like " and - i suggest u...
Nuendo... ...nuffsaid
thanks mate, its working perfectly with SIP enable.. but it took me long enough to notice that textedit rich text screw up the codesign prompt by...
Can i get a guide on this part, i also facing the license damage error.. im on m1 sonoma.. sorry if i ask too much, im new to macos, im easily get...
i did facing the same thing previously on my Sonoma M1pro... im not sure which release u are using, like mine using RET one...
Plugin Alliance Inner Circle, is it only applicable for 1 plugin per account?
if you have and know the accuracy better, why dont u gain stage it manually? it just a twist of a virtual knob. because all auto-gain plugin just...
the antares warm 404.. even login to my acc, using chrome, vivaldi and safari.. i guess they taken down the offer already.
Hi, does Stratus 3D still available?
Hornet Plugins Tokyo Dawn Valhalla Maschine Im good.
Separate names with a comma.