Thank you all for replying. The Wuzzle had it. YOU DIDN'T tell me whether the "convert position" was PostMIDI or not, but it was PreMIDI and I...
Hey guys, I just got a hand me down Korg Trition Le, which has velocity sensitive keys and I'm really happy, because it sure beats play doh,...
I apologize that the US still has freedom of speech and ppl can express their views, whether or not anyone else approves. You have every right to...
Sounds stupid, but I have two computers with all the important programs I have on them, such that when one goes down, at the least appropriate...
Are oil paints still toxic? I've not done analogue painting mostly because of the exposures I thought I'd get...btw, The Pet Detective guy, I saw...
Neither @DrQuack, just gonna have a birthday soon. [ATTACH]
@GEEZ You remember when MicroSoftOn was convicted of monopolistic practices, I assume because it didn't pay the quid pro quo?...
@Ankit Win10 has a FBI grade keylogger*, that you consent to, and in the EULA says collects and will share, with/with out a legal need to comply...
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein Read more at:...
From now on, I'm gonna color code my comments by quality of staying on topic. I've tried positive reenforcement of stickers of planes and rocket...
What do DJs do? They don't play a list of songs they like, and auto tempo match, and voice over...? Isn't getting the crowd involved and happy...
Edward Snowden: "Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't...
Both worked for me this morning! ---------------------------------------------------- I'm all for the scientific approach of actually running the...
Nah, it just parallels all the women in my life not believing my length either, because my hands and feet and nose for that matter are smaller...
k, ty, I didn't get an alert for the new responses. Hey, at least you guys opened up the pools, so it's easier now to rape the children and the...
Shaken baby syndrome, like ADHD, never existed before there was a need to attack breeders and if they couldn't stop them breeding, attack the...
We were taught, as good slaves (us plebs) that it takes two to fight. That you can just walk away. That's absolutely not true. I even...
Oh man, so plebs universally are screwed. Enjoy your kid. That was the only comfort and reason I had for living. Everything else was trivial....
Kids are fun to watch grow up. They get operating system upgrades about every 2 weeks or so, first year or so, all of a sudden they can do...
@Ankit Here are some of the "rumors" spanky, from their own EULA:[MEDIA] How to try to fix it (there's no going back, but to format and get a...
Separate names with a comma.