Anyone remember a script (if im saying it right) that, when typed, "addkontakt" in terminal in OSX, will create a .nicnt and associated containers...
i always batch resave, and im on a mac lol...
you sir are a genius, that did it!
No bueno on that one. Take Evolution Dracus, located at /Users/clintsanchez/Documents/Native Instruments/User Content/Kontakt/Evolution Dracus...
let me try that, cause as it stands now i cant pull any up.
N00b question i know, but i can't remember where to place my snapshots. I had to reinstall and reformat and all that jazz and cant get them to...
Ha, clearly you know what time it is... i keep trying to get it to scan my library so i can play around with them and see if i dig them.
Anyone have an app they use for audio asset management. My audio finder 5.9.0 wont open, except by using the unix executable, and library monkey...
i did thanks! one down a dozen to go lol
still no such luck
let me go double check man on a side note i really appreciate your willingness to help
OK i found a list and found the SNPID for Vocalize to be 621. I though i made the corrections in the service center .xml, and the two .plist...
well aren't you all just awesome one more question and it may have been answered, is there an official kinda list out there for SNPID?
Ok so when trying, say Balinese Gamelan, and it throws the library not found error. How do i delete it all together and try correcting the SNPID?...
Just out of curiosity, MUST the SNPID be the "official one?" Also is that for a MAC?
anyone got that NYCGRIff tool?
they're libraries i downloaded. Case in point I'm having issues with Umlaut audio ARPS. I found a zip file with a photoshop wallpaper template...
I having issues with Kontakt and custom NICNT files. I am creating the SNPID and for the most part they work just fine. Every now and then i am...
Bro this PSD template is the dopest thing ever. I have been looking for something like this for AGES!!! Thanks!
Separate names with a comma.