A bit irrelevant to the OP's question , but this was actually a pretty good cover.It contains the same melancholy vibes Also the video. [MEDIA]
I think this tune was everyones' (at least most of us) introduction to cuica https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CuĂca Rest grand master. He was also...
Thread? If your question wasn't answered by the first couple of responses, then you have to wait till the mods move this "thread" to the "Humor"...
Something is wrong with the currency conversions man. Unless you double check them , I will not bid
Do we really have to turn another thread into Pc vs Mac debate? Choose your weapon of choice . the one that suits you best. All the rest is crap....
Not a big deal. I had a problem once but quickly figured out. It's just a simple renaming. When you download using both options (rapidgator and...
Music (before music industry) used to be a "second" job. Musicians used to be farmers , shoemakers or whatever so they could earn an income and...
I use a Wacom pen tablet instead of a mouse. Huuuuuuge difference in time and effort. Also as others said about trackballs, you can assign macros etc
As @The Aural Aesthete mentioned, TV series composing is much more demanding than film. In film you get more creative in a way. In TV you gotta...
There is no "correct" answer in this topic as each one of us judges relatively to our own relationship with our parents.It's like arguing which...
There are different people speaking. Some of them have harsh S some breathe a lot , others are almost silent. So debreath not always detects...
I'm doing all the cleanup in RX. I'll give melodyne a shot. Thank you.
Well manual cutting is always the best. But when you have a 1hour long dialogue to fix... :woot:
OK, here is the big problem. I can't find a debreath plugin that can be "intelligent" enough to recognise breaths. most of them cut more than...
Most important thing and I hope you've already checked that, is the voltage. Be sure that you don't have a power supply that works in 110V and be...
WTF? Was this a Coachella stage or ceremonial speech with the mayor? Seriously, cut the talking. Ok , it was 100% her own fault. Mistakes can...
Ok nice. Since the editing was done afterwards having all the footage, something that I consider a problem , is that many cuts could have been...
Hello. Was this a live cutting on set with a switcher or the editing is done afterwards in an NLE?
If you ever encountered a wise man, an old man siting in the woods silent , talking only when needed, but sharing his wisdom in just a few words,...
I'm sure he won't have a problem checking his mix in the car :rofl:
Separate names with a comma.