I preferred sample 2, BUT sounds like there's compression happening in sample 1 keeping the bass back a little. Sample 2 may be louder? I didnt...
You know in Iran and Saudi Arabia they have morality police that enforce unethical behavior on the streets. Is that the role you're trying to...
An awesome vocal mic and a true budget condenser is ISK Starlight. http://www.iskproaudio.com/ Also check Cad m179 out for instruments....
The importance of just one letter... :rofl: Sorry couldnt help myself. No disrespect intended.
You could also add (layer) different bass sounds with different characteristics to create the illusion of greater dynamic range. Moog type bass...
That is 100% personal preference. Whatever the song calls for, whatever feels right to you. To increase dynamic range of a sound within itself...
Opto comps are "slow" by design. They are great for bringing up overall RMS levels. By slow I mean they dont have fast attack times, hence they...
Separate names with a comma.