Nice one moosh :wink:
Cool track JB, maybe tuck the vocal in a bit from kinda pops out too much. Its pretty full begining to end so pairing it right back...
The more data that is collected from the masses the easier it becomes to predict what will sell in the largest numbers, and the largest numbers...
Gain compensation/auto gain?
Groovy baby :shalom:
Greetings moosh, you've aged a bit..
Greetings moosh, you are now past the first post..
I've had the same kind of "problem" in the past and I normally create a tempo map from the vocal (or guitar or whatev) simply by manually...
I'm liking this moosh, nicely laid back and melodic, and it held my interest for the duration.......that does not happen often here. I suspect...
For some reason I've never been able to figure out why mine smells (and tastes) of real skanky old dog breath, people tell me its 'cause I talk...
+1 Win my case RME UCX - Win 7 Ice (Offline) - Cubase 9.5 .............. never had a problem.
Nice work, good got a kinda ethnic vibe going on that you could maybe expand on instrumentally? @Satai (nice one moosh) has...
Greetings moosh :metal:
Caps in Guitar amps right after the PS pop like this a fair bit. Normally its after a period of not being used. As someone mentioned they dry out...
Great minds :woot:, I kinda thought I heard the idea of it in there. Funny thing is that at this end the wifes been wanting to play with a Way...
Nice one Poly I thought substituting a kinda mutilated fuzz thing instead of the cleaner geetar you've gone for would've lifted it and taken it...
Thanks @phloopy, the guys got a really nice approach to the whole process
TDR's Nova can remove resonance after "listening" to the source material.
Separate names with a comma.