Thank you! I find your signature quote most apt for this type of work, "« One may not reach the dawn save by the path of the night. » ~ Khalil...
Much appreciated. I seek not to invest in outcomes in all things, but gazing at a particularly peaceful scene can elicit a measure of sadness for...
Thanks! Yes, I wanted to touch on the transient, nostalgic impression the image gave, idyllic as it may be.
Thank you! Yes, every time I use it, it fulfills aspirations of being in one of those old vaults.
Just uploaded it this afternoon, I think swisstransfer gives you 30 days, not sure where you're getting "expires tomorrow". Sorry you'll miss it.
Hi guys, here's a little ambient piece I made looking at this picture.
Hard not to pour hatred on the idea of paying money and owning nothing.
Holy shit, I'm so sorry to hear this. He was a prince amongst men, and helped build the type of behind the scenes infrastructure that makes grammy...
I prefer in person meets too, but am in Los Angeles. Should be back in the UK later this year, but fancy trying a remote collaboration before then?
I have one trick. Price myself out of work. Every time. If I fail, it'll end up being a better gig because the client is keenly aware of their...
These evil dipshits had WUP before, which was essentially a subscription.
First pirates was Klaus Badelt. Hans had given him a dumb movie based on a theme park ride, and then took it back when it was big hit, engendering...
I'm going to be very impressed, academically, when apple silicon goes down.
Subscriptions are a money grab, pure and simple. If you don't own the tools you use, your artistic position is intrinsically insecure, and that...
Avid is a pestilent investment bank. Its acquisition of a company can be considered that company's death knell, as far as its value to creatives....
Do you have any other Antares products?
Are there any good collections of arp presets for the arpeggiator in Ableton, that anyone might recommend?
They are a bank that purchased an industry standard. They haven't been any sort of software developer for a long time. Third party offloading to...
These work with the actual synth?
Separate names with a comma.