Not familiar with that library but read that wavetable contain 35 sampled VCO, DCO, noise generators and analog tape hiss, altered later in...
Not sure maybe you have to clear the temporary folders manually i.e use ccleaner or something enable clear temporay files & folders clean & see if...
.tmp files are normally created when saving files or folders to desktop. For example batch convert resave saves files to desktop then file is...
Load the instrument, sounds like your pictures in Kontakt default location (stupid way of doing it) probably from installer. Open editor, load...
Sometimes if library not showing it means visibility reg entry been disabled or misconfigured/deleted. Try tweaking registry i.e create reg entry...
Don't see the real need to install Komplete 9 from the DVD's etc most if not all the content has been released in some form or another. Best way...
I don't care for political agendas or religion but respect the fact that people have a fundamental right to believe whatever they decide upon....
Cool nice one was simply giving an opinion on what I heard that's all. Like I said thanks for sharing
also try chnging the truss rod might affect the intonation unless u warped the neck. If so get a new guitar because one you cant play in tune...
Ok cool! Good luck p.s I listened with my ears but maybe they are wrong lol. I'm not asking for justification just being honest about what I heard...
Nice note selection! You have a unique style and that is so cool! However I don't mean to be down but that is about it. Your technique is poor....
Separate names with a comma.