Its about the notes man, nobody here has the faintest idea how to use notes and want to learn about notes!:rofl:
My sincerest condolences to Oly's family and friends, you will surely be missed around in peace great soul!
You drink it while listening to uncle Johan's "Well Tempered Clavier Book1" - sorry had to come in on this one - must be the vino :rofl::rofl:
Alldebrid for 4 years now:wink:
What about Band-in-a-box, I don't have any experience with this but seems one can make accompaniments in any style and have real band play along...
R.I.P. Chick another great musical soul gone.:sad:
I use FreeFileSync and very happy with it. One can set rules what to be backed up or copied across to whichever drive you specify. It doesn't...
Been using Alldebrid for the last 18 months only 15.99€ for 180 days - cheaper and more expensive options available as well, no offline problems...
My sincere condolences SpyFx to you and your family, may your dad rest in peace and just know that he will always be with you in your heart and...
I have been using Alldebrid for over a year now and very happy with their service Upload and Rapidgator supported amongst 81 hosts, only...
Show me your DAW then I'll show you mine :rofl:
Click on Cakewalk website for Sonar Platinum Buy Now and webpage with 3 online shops come up, choose Sweetwater and when their webpage opens it s...
Bread - If Heart warming to see how many likes there are for Simon and Garfunkle individually as well as a group, man I love their music!
Welcome to this forum it is a great place to learn from others with much experience we are all brothers and sisters:mates:
If you cash-strapped for money Computer Music Magazine can be found on the sister site :rofl:
Saw this and so wish I could just walk around there!:) [MEDIA]
I live in a wonderful country where the currency exchange rate is 14.87 to US $1 this morning!:( how would any feel happy to pay 452 in your...
I have a Korg PA3X arranger keyboard with very similar TC Helicon vocal effects built-in. See demonstration here [MEDIA]. The lartest model PA4X...
That my friend you spoke the gospel thruth!
"Not available Now Busy/screwing" :rofl:
Separate names with a comma.