I wish the developers add a filter FX.In some situations this would be useful.
Eventide H3000 maybe?Browse a few presets,by any chance.
I remember I heard Schepps saying he still uses hardware preamps and compressors,a few years back.
Did you try flanger?
Schepps is just selling you his plugins on all his videos.Why is his studio full of hardware if he works 100% ITB?What is the reason of his analog...
I don't like modular stuff but I would love a Roland System 100m in the future.This thing sounds amazing.Or an Elektor Formant like Lenny has owned.
Don't be discouraged so easily bro,make music because you just enjoy it.Sometimes you find inspiration,sometimes not.I think this is the case for...
I think I'm going to learn Photoshop instead of music.I can't believe it...:suicide:
Grammy is just a joke and doesn't mean a track is good or not.I listened some days ago Deadmau5's Polyphobia and I can't believe this deserves a...
Yeah this world is silly.I agree.WTF $500000 for this ridiculous GIF?And some people hard work like slaves and can't eat.I don't understand...
First OG OB-Xa were only 4 voices?
Surge sounds relatively good,it costs nothing and it is BUG FREE. The opposite of some paid shitty plugins.Today i opened a track I am working on...
Nevermind,that is just my opinion,if you like this plugin personally keep using it bro.:thumbsup: I use Plugin alliance a lot for my music.As a...
Kush Silika is wonderful for extreme distorting but pleasant compression.Definetly one of the best in my opinion,with Arousor. Arousor is more...
Izotope RX (last version is 8 but older versions had this feature too) is incredibly accurate at this task.Use the De-noise module with the...
Ok,thanks,I try it tomorrow.:wink:
Softube Chandler Limited? FWIW,Waves AR TG Mastering is one of the few Waves plugins that I find decent like most of the Abbey Road line.But I...
Wait,what??Softube Console 1 only works with the few Softube plugins?!That's crazy,it makes it pretty useless...I might be interested in this...
ok boss,I don't like the too little number of parameters and I don't like the sound of the 'limiting' either.None of the different user profile...
Softube plugins are way over rated in my opinion.I don't get the hype at all.Softube maximiser sucks,like Softube Tape,Harmonics,their amp...
Separate names with a comma.