Q2 ending in 2 days. Where's the Official Release?:crazy:
Click the DOTS at the top of the main window to open the Dashboard and then go to the Packages tab. You should be able to download all the stuff...
In the navigation go to Info > Contacts to message Olymoon or PiRAT
I also sent a message to Olymoon.
No. There are no torrents there. All the downloads are the same BeeLink URLs as on Magesy.blog.
^^^Not done yet? :rofl:
I had a shit-load of cracked NI stuff already on my Mac. I registered my MK3 hardware, Maschine software and installed Komplete 11 Select. That...
It seems as though Kontakt is full. :unsure: I have added a lot of libraries to Kontakt (some registered, some with KontaktLibraryManager). Now...
Last update did it for me. :wink:
I had it installed for like 2 years. Too much Puff-n-Stuff = no remember. :dunno: I suppose somewhere in one of the 6 ISOs and the many update...
I switched from Reaper 32bit to 64bit and scanned my VST folders. When I try to use Omnisphere, I am getting a Challenge/Response window. Any...
This free release is also a good way for Markus Feil to sabotage any 'questionable' Tone2 stuff you may have on your machine. This is from the...
Car battery + Nipple clamps :break:
Downloaded then realized I already had the ensemble. :wink:
Thank You! I love strings. :wink:
According to what I've read on the Ableton Forum and various other places on the web, you do not need to have Max installed on your system to use...
Check your Messages. :thumbsup:
http://hem.bredband.net/tbtaudio/archive/oldtbtvstplugins.htm It's actually called Tapestop. :rofl: Windows only.
Thanks for the replies. Think I'm gonna go with 7zip. :wink:
Can someone explain(or point to good resources) how I can compress my sample libraries to the smallest size possible for storage? Thanks in advance.
Separate names with a comma.