manualy add presets here /Users/you/Music/Audio Music Apps/StudioLinkedVST Presets/Modernize. Thanks again for your educated guess.[ATTACH]...
does anybody know why Studiolinkedvst Modernize fails to load its presets osx 10.8.5 the au and vst load but not the presets maybe i can load them...
I'm American and thats reverse sarcasm, now someone with that problem can fix it. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
You had to contact them to know that? of course its a feature to prevent the use of unauthorized software. but i am a hobbyist and not looking...
'Authorization Error Pro Tools 10 cannot run because it is corrupted. Please try reinstalling the product.' it used to work now i get this when i...
To Bassmonsta The numbered tabs that selected the sequences in version one was great also.
Maschine 2.3 0RGan1c and logic 10.0.7 on osx 10.8.5 au plug not working?
Thanks sounds good I will try. Works well Thanks to all for the quick and helpful reply. Now I dont know if Im pushing it but does any body...
Any body knows about Synthblitz Audio Nitroflex v1.99d, Synthblitz Audio Nitroflex v1.7 or Synthblitz Audio Deep One v1.07. These aren't...
The Plug And Mix Chainer looks good also i will try, thanks.
Ok works great, i can live with 8 outputs for the time being for maschine thanks.
No i will try to google it never heard of it.
First off maschine 2 is only a AAX plugin for protools I tried trans vst.(crashed pt 10.3.10 plug scan. With any plugin wraped.) I tried...
Separate names with a comma.