Your thought was right. Or get it downloaded from Abletons Preferences Tab.
+1 for the TonymacX Route !!
+1 Hackintosh here since a couple YEARS. I just recently was building a ProTools HD Rig for a friend, 4 PCI slots filled and OS 10.7.4 on a...
AMD is not a good Basis for that...
If you keep your ServiceCenter XML file folder sorted right.
Its a Copyprotection far as i know..
No Content gets updated ..nuff to get the one without content.
Little Snitch and modify /etc/hosts file...
@ wrlmuzik You have a PM... :bow:
Back to the good old Hotline Days..... :mates:
Use the original Installer and Install it again....if u have tweaked original presets do a Backup before...
seems a lame one....
Try another Groups release Assign stuff always misses the Point
Whats the excitement? Had been released in pieces by now. NI is a Recycling Company..Throw inn some tiny new things and always sell it as New and...
yawn... :shock:
Last but not least its always upto the Group itself if and When they Release anything. Quality not some noob Groups out there...
Its JUST not out in the WILD...
Theres a deeper MAC Underground that carries ..(enough) that the PUBLIC laggs...thats pretty much fine with me ! my 2 Cent
+1 for SuperDuper
Its always just the USER behind it...iam on Hackintosh since 10.4.x, startet on a Dell tbut then its always the Best to choose the right INTEL...
Separate names with a comma.