Same -I have MacStudio M2 Ultra. Sorry I miss-spoke. Ventura is best OSx right now till Apple fixes all problems and DAWs and plug-ins getting...
Don't do it!!! Lots of problems with monitor setting and GUI Also not all plug-ins are working correctly. Monterey was much better
do you still have it?
first go to disc utility > show all devices > go to ext hdd root > erase > and format as master boot > after that clone
account is paid till January 2021. I'm using NordVPN already 3 years and never had problem. Rapidg support is in silence mode. Got no warnings ever.
I used rapidgator premium only to download ( - first link no mirrors) Now... from yesterday my account is locked! no explanations...
Is it you area51on tv? complaining all in caps! are you hurt? mmm so sad
What a SnOwFlAK!
even on this site?
I don't think you getting any benefits in the same machine. VEP using same CPU threads and memory bandwidth. I'm using Mac Pro 5,1 PT HDx rig...
Machine works with all software as MIDI Controller. You only need Controller editor software to map midi CC. You don't need any registrations to...
I think problem is in library numbering. Kontakt will not add library if number is already used. Common problem with home made libraries....
Pricing is crazy Sadly still NO Pro Tools integration support like in Studio One. Upgrade from Melodyne assistant (all versions) to Melodyne 4...
I'm using Blue Cat's Patchwork and DDMF with out any problems. You can make presets for fast loading and routing. Save presets in plugin folder...
Use Carbon Copy Cloner 4
I'm Pro tools HD3 and HDx user over 7 years. Now I'm using Studio One for composing last 6 months and I love it. Some crashes happening only with...
You will also have problem with heat censoring. Fans fill go full speed Better option is to replace DVD drive to SSD and boot from it.
Native Instruments have released updates to many of their plug-ins to offer 64 bit AAX compatibility Battery 4.1.0 FM8 1.3.0 Kontakt 5.3.0...
Very nice! *yes*
Just go to My link My link and WAKU UP MY FRIENDS!
Separate names with a comma.