known = Speculation only . Do you have any real prove of that ?
simple answere are no .
makes me wonder why you dont do it yourselves ?
there are none Team BEAT anymore , they are gone an very long time ago . dont know why you think it is an real team ?
exactly with your posts you are show that you are definetly not intelligent .
you posting mirrors of the same hoster which gots already posted . and makes also money with this even if you dont post things anymore . just...
it is your golden rule , i wait of the day when hoster remove to pay user for uploads to make money out of warez . i know alot of people who have...
Integral , you should stop this bs , as you are only here and there to make money out of warez , you dont do this for people .
garfinkle can you post some of your music i would like to hear it especially the piano parts ?
are you an R2R member or from any Group ? how in the Hell you will know that they kept all those things internal ?
just stop this bs if you do not have any knowledge , requesting this are useless and pushing people to do something because you request is even...
i got my personalized upgrade voucher since i own all of them separately except the new JP Legacy and it was a no brainer
i meant this in another way .
it is on some point understandable too
definetly not
there are none temporarely disable function anymore , you can only deinstall the elicenser software and delete some files manually and then...
short answere , no , you needs to start trial period on your usb e-licenser before installing the eLicenser.bundle.b14 , after the trial period...
i bought it as well and i like it so far and agree mostly . but i feel the same rant like Hexeract with promises in the future which dont comes...
i see you dont have the knowledge and or just ignorant or an fanboy . again , ask the scene expert of your choice and all will shine on another...
i see that you dont have the knowledge . to Talula : he just exploit many many many times Developer Servers and download this from developer...
Separate names with a comma.