Catch you on the flip side Olymoon!
I recently built a site using Google domains and Wix as the site builder. Wix is not perfect though it's pretty easy to use. They have sales often...
I tested it out to write a poem about skateboard maker Paul Schmitt. Professor Schmitt, with hands of skill Crafts boards that give riders a...
When you realize youth is wasted on the young.
I have a place with little over 3 acres in NH. With the covid situation I decide to build a small stage in the back yard. Wish I would have done...
Big difference. In one case your wallet size gets bigger and you risk jail time. In the other your hard drive gets filled up with 10,000 vst...
When the 192 first came out the drivers were terrible. Basically was a beta tester for a year. Now the driver with win10 is solid and has been for...
I watched it last night. Creepy guy and stupid parents. His sister LaToya called him out and most did not believe her. Michael was an evil...
Do you play an instrument? How about switching things up and start playing and making beats on a drum kit.
I usually start with Acoustic guitar. The lyrics come after finding the right set of chords. That's how it usually works for me. [MEDIA]
Ya some Potato salad should hold you over for a bit.
Looks like the 18i20 has 8 pre amps. The other unit if im correct has 8 inputs though only 4 pre amps.
Playing with a click live is really taking away from the live experiance. Your drummer could practice the songs to a click perhaps. You really...
Your going to need a preamp to record a synth. It looks like that unit only has 2 pre amps. I dont think the inputs on the back would work unless...
To much ancient aliens....
I have a gong. I can make you a high quality sample if ya want.
How about a tad more kick drum? Sounds really cool.
Hey Oldar thats a bunch of Horsepucky. Dont believe the hype.
Separate names with a comma.