lol no. Reason+ is $20/month At least PA has like a million plugins. Or Kilohearts subscription is $10/month. And both of them basically refund...
Same here but they're including wisdom teeth in that stat. That's why the percentage is so high.
lmaoooooo. where do these people get the nerve... I stopped upgrading my Izotope stuff a while ago. Their offers are extremely unattractive,...
I thought VR was the shit when I used warez. Never saw them indulge in all the bickering and dramatics either. Just kept doing their thing. People...
"the future will be dongle free" Hopefully the future also has more than one activation for my $500 license. Idc about the dongle thing. I...
Rarely need one but Kilohearts gets the job done for me. I don't usually think of KHs as having exceptional sound quality (good enough but won't...
^ I had that same problem with Live 10 recently. I just did a fresh windows install on a new SSD (for other reasons) and thankfully that issue is...
Hey. Thanks for your reply. The Templates thing was supposedly a new feature. A dedicated tab in the browser for various templates instead of just...
Is anyone else finding that "Save as Template" does nothing? It adds a template to my User Library but the only thing in the Templates tab on the...
Reason sucks, as a company. I've bitched about this before, but since it's semi relevant here. They were still allowing third parties to sell...
lmao this is so spot on when people were arguing against raising the maximum inserts I couldn't believe my fucking eyes. "why don't you just...
Oh, now that's refreshing to hear. I didn't know they'd changed that. It's a good policy. If you keep punishing people for not finding your...
I have 10.5 and the 11 upgrade didn't appeal to me. Although when they release 11.5 if it has anything worth upgrading for, I'm just gonna end up...
What do you use, if anything, to generate a starting point when you're not really full of ideas? Things like... Cthulu Scaler ... honestly idk...
Pulsar Mu sounds good (but has a stupid protection scheme if you don't have an ilok dongle) PA Vertigo VSC-2. there are some mixed opinions on...
lol i like that
could you elaborate? i mean, I've literally just bought a (second) 970 evo plus so it's too late for me lol but I'd like to hear your reasons...
That’s encouraging. I briefly entertained the idea of getting a 980 pro or whatever instead of a second 970 evo plus. My mobo supports pcie 4. But...
yeah that's pretty much it. I don't use FL so I don't know the details of routing with it, but you don't want to hear the vocal coming back from...
I don’t use kontakt but I can vouch for the 970 evo plus. I have a 2TB one for samples, DAW projects, games etc. It works beautifully. I just...
Separate names with a comma.