Rest in Peace Olymoon. You did some great work here and I sincerely appreciate and respect you for that.
I see some good in members here. But just like the world, there are still members here who hate and have no problem spewing hateful words. What...
The only thing that us clear to me is that you have serious issues. Realizing that I will now mute you. Since you find the humor in relating...
I concur about your auction feelings. It is a very "Sensitive" time in our country regarding anything related to racism unfortunately. So it is...
Since you asked...Your comment (and others) about RZA who is a Black American Hip Hop star. It goes like "You know how many RZAs and Tupacs can...
This should be in the "Humor" section since most comments here find this funny. I don't. I find most comments here borderline racist or...
Arturia's new Emulations sound pretty great to me. I've owned the hardware. Pretty nice. Also I compared the (Juno) Tal vs the Arturia. Liked...
[IMG] What a Stupid thread.
That sounds a bit Racist. Could you explain your point and why that was funny?
The new Mac sexy, so delicious! I can’t wait to buy one!!! P.S. Hate on Haters...:rofl:
I use Cubase Pro 10...However...This might sounds crazy...but wouldn't getting a small usb hub make life easier? It would allow you to use the...
As A Music Producer and Cubase Pro 10 Owner, I 2nd, 3rd and 4th what they say above! Lol.
I am a pro. I am a Mac guy! I look forward to the new technology Apple is about to bring forth. My Mac does everything and more I need it to do...
Personally, I'd look for other Audio interfaces instead of the RME stuff. I owned 2 RME Fireface 800's and besides from that goofy name...they...
Steve who? :rofl::trolls::rofl:
You're welcome!
:wink: Hello @flguy welcome to AS. Now I could get deep about the volume you should listen at...but try this to keep it simple...get a decibel...
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Are you serious dude? Why do you need to have a clue as to why? Whether they did or not. You join today and...
You're welcome @Savannah. Also welcome to the Audiosex community as well! Unfortunately, I'm en route to a session or else no problem. But I...
For the most part those notes stated above are on point. What's missing is the passing tones on a few motif's...Bb, F, Gb, Ab
Separate names with a comma.