Yeah, for the record, I do too.
Here are two options for future use - - - - - - - - * Chris Titus Tech Windows Utility Paste the following into Notepad Save it...
Partition your hard drive. Install Windows using BootCamp. It's the best way.
You can still use the K-System on your Master Buss.
I wouldn't, and don't. I use -23 LUFS-I (Integrated) until I'm mastering, at which point I'm just boosting into my clipper(s)/limiter(s) until I...
Bob Katz created the K-System. We used to have: * RMS metering (no weighting) * RMS metering (K-weighting) Now we have: * Loudness metering...
EDiT: Are you talking about Loudness Metering? K-Metering, as you're calling it, refers to Loudness Metering with the use of K-Weighting, which...
Here's the video. Draw your own conclusions :-) [MEDIA]
Sorry, my last post was not clear, and actually doesn't make sense. To answer your question: Yes. I would boost the favourable low frequencies...
Boost highs rather than cut lows (except for notch filtering.)
The easiest approach for anyone to follow would simply be to understand what your end-goal is any time you begin a new project. Is your project...
It might come down to “noise floor.” Bits are all about dynamic range. Hertz are all about the width of the frequency spectrum.
I say this with respect: I'm not really interested in recreating test examples. I've been talking about technical specifications and trying to...
Do you use Ableton?
24/48 makes sense because of DVD/BluRay, however, I'd just like to add that 24-bit is excessive. It equates to 144 dB dynamic range, and no one in...
My suggestion was 16-bit/48 kHz. I THINK (and please correct me if I'm wrong) Dan Worrall "suggests" 24-bit/48 kHz.
"Slammed?" You can make anything a "distorted mess." Does "slammed 32-bit floating point" sound better to your ear than "slammed 16-bit?" The...
That's fine, I'm not offended. My answer to you is this: I understand the bit-depth/noise floor relationship to be exactly as it is in the...
I'm the arsehole/asshole doing that in this thread lol
Higher specs is not better quality. You're just moving further away from the noise floor and increasing your file size and dynamic range.
Separate names with a comma.