Really appreciate you for this, Can't wait to get home from work and try it out, Thanks!
I get it, I'm sort of a noob to installing this stuff but your help would me so much! Hi, Could someone help me please? I can't get the Patch to...
This, Still rewire Reason with Acid, The possibilities are endless.
If it ain't broke don't fix it...I tried out new DAW'S only to go back because I missed it.
Although they might be more stable but the problem with the older version of Acid such as 5,6,7 is that the sound engine absolutely sucks, I've...
Look into Cakewalk Sonar..I know a lot of people that used to use Acid and switched to that DAW and never looked back.
One thing tho I will give it credit, it made me save a lot of time doing some quick DJ edits.
I'm totally with you..They were always that way, Crashes galore..When Magix actually took over I was excited because of the stability issue..I've...
I still use Acid (Magix) works pretty good for me..Windows 11. Problems usually happen when you run introduce too many plug-ins, I'm pretty...
Separate names with a comma.