Waves Ultimate 15 v24.11.17 macOS Comment section page 1 Post from user crackkingcole (19.11.24 @ 01:42) Click on 'Spoiler' to see the whole post...
This worked for me (Apple M3, Sonoma 14.7.1 / Logic Pro 11.1): Credits to crackkingcole (search for Waves Ultimate 15 v24.11.17 macOS to see the...
Gave it one more try and now it worked (with the unarchiver), here's the solution for others that might be interested: 1. Hold both files in the...
Just curious, as I'm not that technical myself, but would it be also possible to create an UA version of Ableton's Overdrive tool, so it can be...
Alright, final conclusion, still not working. And don't care anymore haha :)
Correct. You know what, let me re-download the file again just to see what happens. It wouldn't be the first time that a download got corrupted...
Once again, zip file gives a 'failed' message, z01 file asks for password but Keka starts shaking without accepting it. iZotope RX 11 MORiA.z01 /...
Like I said, not working. Zip file gives a 'failed' message, z01 file asks for password but Keka starts shaking without accepting it. So yes, it's...
I really appreciate Moria's work for the community, but I don't understand this either. Why make it so difficult and give users a reason to...
Tone2 had gold in their hands with Filterbank3, which was one of the go to tools for a lot of producers in the harder styles scene (together with...
I think this is great, you might check the following list for references (unless you checked all of them already obviously)...
However, do they work on MacOS Monterey 12.6.8 (and up) with Logic 10.7.9? The last time I tried Ohmicide (1.3.2) on a previous OS it didn't work...
A little sidestep here, but wat about Cakewalk Z3ta+2? I can still access my 'Legacy' account, download and install it. Also, still working on...
F*ck :sad:
[MEDIA] :drummer:
Open for offers, sharing iLok fees is negotiable [IMG] Payment can be made through PayPal (buyer takes care of PP/conversion fees!) Feedback >...
I wasn't talking about normal licenses obviously. ".. selling EDU versions in the FAQ, only that they're NFR." Anyway, like I said, this one...
Hmz, I'm a bit hesitant about this. Although I understand your point of view! But without an official confirmation from the developer, I don't...
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