"Go to File>Options...Interface and uncheck/untick (get rid of the white box) for "Show fullscreen library browser when launching new empty...
I'm not an expert on the subject (far from it) I've had many problems with this system, according to what I was told it's not ideal and it brings...
Excellent!!! thank you very much my friend!!! Now let's celebrate and enjoy Kontakt 8!!! Many thanks to you and the genius of vkDanilov for...
Thank you so much! I'm going to try it once I install the libraries.
Exactly the same version So the problem must be related to the system I guess. :dunno:
HI!!! what a coincidence!!! I just solved it (approximately 10 minutes ago) by installing the Kontakt 8 v8.2.1 PORTABLE version (and then running...
Hi, I downloaded Kontakt 8 portable from the sister site. I followed all the steps of the installer and when I tried to open it in standalone, it...
Thank you!!! :mates:
Thank you for your quick reply! That's what I meant when I said to do it manually. I was asking if there was a tool to do it faster, like a .nki...
That sounds great for my workflow! Is there any tool that convert .nki files to snapshots? Or another way to avoid making it manually? Some...
https://www.sonokinetic.net/products/heritage/thecarnival/ https://www.sonokinetic.net/products/instruments/carousel/ :like: carousel it's a free...
Half time /double time in media bay :deep_facepalm:
Separate names with a comma.