This is an audio forum, not a music forum. At the top of the page it says "Professional audio lovers".
The original sounds pretty good to me. I don't think it needs much more than a few dB of high shelf boost. Possibly a use an exciter (T-Exciter?...
As the scene nfo's say, "It's not piracy, it's alternative solution". If you buy the software, you needn't feel bad about installing the...
Much better, but I'd still take the backing down a dB or two in places. At least at the frequencies where it's competing with the vocals,...
Your best bet is to email Celemony. I've found them quite helpful.
The basic difference is that a high shelf affects all "high" frequencies equally, or nearly so, whereas a high cut (low pass) filter reduces the...
That "seventh" chord is actually a suspended fourth chord to my ears. Don't believe everything you read on the internet! What connects the C and...
Remove the reverb from the lead vocals, it pushes them backwards. Do minimal doubling on the lead vox, the doubles should be maybe 3 or 4dB lower...
A mic shield is worth having, especially with an omnidirectional mic as it can help block background noises. Thick curtains (behind the vocalist's...
Not my type of music at all, but words that come to mind to describe it are "boring and repetitive". Perhaps this is what your friends mean by...
Daw, like door (British pronunciation: IPA dɔː). As in jackdaw, and Margery Daw.
I've never used Waves. I made the mistake of installing the Melda package but I've never used any of them. Some day I'll uninstall them.
In the olden days (1960s-70s?) a compressor was an expensive bit of kit. There was probably only one in the studio and it was generally only used...
Music is my hobby, I do it for myself, not others. I hope to be doing it until I die. If I'm lucky I'll live another 15 years; if I'm unlucky...
Orchestral Tools Ratio free grand piano. You have to use their free SINE player. Sampleson MetaPiano - a bit twangier. Very small.
I have often felt Buyer's Remorse. I can't think why I paid out for Orbitron, I was disappointed as soon as I got it and tried it, and I've never...
Some will adopt AI, some will fight against it. If it becomes mainstream, something like punk rock might appear as a backlash against it. As a...
Problem is that music notation finds it very difficult to capture the characteristics of modern music, for the past 60 years or so anyway. This is...
Oh how does that work? I'd love to be able to filter out all the sample libraries! Never seen that sidebar though. :unsure:
I have to say I prefer releases by TCD, Moria and Mocha to R2R. If there's a choice - and sometimes the same plugin is released by both teams...
Separate names with a comma.