maybe you need to active it in the settings? Just look there ... I never had this problem, it always worked, when i installed it.
Ableton saves all settings to a settings file, so far i remember it doesnt even use windows registry. Settings are located in AppData in some...
yeah or you can just grab the new installer, unpack it and then drop the dll in and it will also be uptodate if Ableton's updates are late.
the last version? Should be 5.2 - should be alright to work with. there were no real issues since like 4.x.x versions by FLARE.
i think its way easier to create sounds with Additive synthesis than FM Synthesis. Simple because stacking up harmonics is way easier than...
now we still have phun with AI - stuff, but sooner or late, it will be true AI and then it wont be phun anymore ...
na dann mach beide einfach -8db? Ich meine Kick sollte ja eigentlich ein wenig lauter sein als der Bass? Ich würde mich bei so loudness nicht...
EQ öffnen von beiden und herausfinden in welchen Frequenzen, sie sich stören oder interferieren. Dann einfach Sidechainen oder den Bass pattern...
or just use notepad/notepad++
Let me list you the AIR release (i dont have these, so no warez request as write in the board rules!) Steinberg.Cubase.v5.1.DVDR-AiRISO 5.1.0...
the DAW itself can be x86, but doesnt mean it cant bridge x64. in moments of doubt, just download the release again and try. otherwise yes its...
Like i wrote: Air released long time ago with GOUDA a Cubase 5 release, which was only x86. Then nobody touched it anymore for a long time!...
the oldest Cubase, which was blessed was version 12 i think and it was also 64bit. (Cubase GUI was always kinda solala, i did like the Cubase 3...
thank you - totally missed that. i think i have her book somewhere saved. But a video might also be nice.
i read that R2R versions, cant open those sqz files properly? And as it looks like the FTP was nuked to get the sqz files. Any thoughts about that?
i found this quote here: "A good song embodies the feelings of the [people], and a songwriter is not much more than a mirror which reflects those...
A while ago i tested the version by R2R with the Supernova SQZ file, but i couldnt get it working. I managed to actual create a vst version of the...
Just to be clear that is not a warez request and thats also not an opportunity to start some ... Which Midi Quest version is actual working? I...
i will check it out!
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