This is why we have a laptop for internet & one not for the internet! if you produce music!! otherwise you risk losing the lot without back up
As i said before some people expect everything for free!:dunno:
Inner pitch free
Lookin for this kind of vibe with vsts ....please advise? [MEDIA]
I have no caps lock light or no indicator on laptop.I don't want third party software! Iv'e tryed the screen keyboard, which caps lock lights up...
Oh so just because some are not sharing the same working boots! Doesn't mean it should effect the way your produce! Should never blame the tools...
forget to take the christmas tree down 6 months later.
When your bones start to creek /crack /hurt & you only get a xmas card off your favorite takeaway & oh i forgot uncontrolled leakage of urine.
its a case of layering different articulations some with staccos & legatoooos:winker: Depends on what vsts you are using. Or maybe morphing the 2...
Lets go back [ATTACH]
is this zplane ? or zynaptiq :dunno:
is this better than wormhole?
[ATTACH] :bleh::bleh::like:
Radio sounds like BEAT16 are you BEAT16?
hit a nerve there :bleh:
Separate names with a comma.