Macrium won't create iso file, but proprietary .mrimg file readable only by macrium, and can be mounted to browse. Cloning basically means...
I rushed to buy Vic 20, at the end I never liked it, even at those time. C64 was better, but I dreamed something like... today, yeah I'm pretty...
In 2001 I was in synth and piano hiatus, so I missed it. However I always like to learn. Here an interview with the creator: [MEDIA]
Ya maybe it's like you say, not sure if it's just already mapped for their keyboards, but that would limit a lot AW and I don't get the point in...
But please...
Yes. It's basically a camera system that monitors position and movement of hands and fingers (pretty well I must say). Based on that you can...
I see it more as a DJ tool than a keyboard controller. Hands must play, not wave in the air. I think Seabord is still the most proficient...
With big numbers and enough money I would go for tape backup (e.g. LTO).
Standard windows zoom lens, can automatically pan window. It will be grainy though. Oh I remember. I did Blue Shift mod too. The first PC game...
I began with twilight (also called twin light) cds, lot of games and stuff, you can still find them in some archives. Then began the mastering...
Swam, being physical modelled and not sample based.
Absolutely yes. The address they're referring is the static address of the machine and you can see the BC upnp switch (I personally disabled...
With Asio Link Pro in lan I can eliminate almost all glitches within 25 to 33ms (2-13ms jitter), even if packet stream is about 1.5Mbit/s and just...
Did you read the whole thread? There are already tons of solutions.
Even Paul McCartney homaged him (perhaps little mocked him) in Coming Up.
:goodpost: I use it since many years, free, great and the most practical of all. BTW I did some spectral comparison, at the end it seems that...
Pianoteq has emulations of most prominent FortePiano and pianos of the past. Like Pleyel or Erard, used by Chopin. However, they sound so...
I do agree, I still use it as study piano, its keybed is great and its velocity response (MIDI OX tested) linear and precise. But I think it...
Well, I think you're right. First off, there is the key release speed issue in weighted keybed, it's something that takes quite a time to get used...
It should be usable. Like I'm using Magix ASIO for all other stuff, but better if someone has it could confirm.
Separate names with a comma.