I think you might be getting caught up in semantics a bit on what velocity really is. Velocity is just another set of MIDI data that your MIDI...
Volume automation and velocity work independently. And well, technically, velocity doesn't imply a volume change. For example, in many VSTis (and...
Just adding to the already consensus.... but yes, you can upgrade from 6 to 7 without losing your settings and such. One thing I'd highly...
Welcome, and good luck putting up with these a-holes, @omiac :rofl:
V.R definitely take a beating because they tend have a reputation of not getting it right the first time, but I agree on Arturia. They're my go to...
It would be easy to point the blame at the cracker teams/individuals you mentioned, but I can say I've installed several plugins from each of...
More details would help... Does it show in your list of plugins but just not open? Or is it not there at all? If not there, check in...
Using Reaper for several years and with a wholllle lot of cracked plugins. It's definitely not Reaper. I am also using iZotope stuff, Sound Toys...
I honestly rely on more than 10 in every song, so I'm definitely handicapped here coming up with just 10. LOL Here goes, though. I'll eliminate...
I used to use Omnisphere a few years back, excellent VST, but it's too bloated for my liking now. Different strokes for different folks though,...
Should maybe be noted that you also aren't done when you click the download link from their site. You run the exe it downloads, and then you still...
My fave genre though is thrash metal, but most of those are probably well known enough(ex. Metalllica - For Whom The Bell Tolls, Seek and Destroy,...
I had a Nektar LX25+ for a short while. Great keyboard, but I sold it for a keyboard with more keys and probably a smaller footprint overall. 49...
He could always grab a tronical tuner. I personally used one for a bit several years ago and it worked fairly well (it can change tunings super...
Tried a several times to get it from the legit page, and then also tried the free download off sister site.. neither worked (sister site because...
Very sorry to hear of Olymoon's passing. Very thankful for the work he did here in keeping things respectable. I wish now I would have taken the...
I personally prefer shaperbox for this, but I also like to occasionally use some of the other fx like the filter and distortion, so I get good use...
My dad did gigs into his early 70s, playing guitar (and singing) until his hands wouldn't allow him to. He has Arthritis and Parkinson's and is 75...
I pronounce it daw, like dawesome. Dee-Aye-Doubleyew takes too much time to say that I can use to produce music (joking). :rofl:
Looks like i'm going to be pretty busy.. going through the various Radiohead albums, and then also The Smile (thanks for that suggestion!). I...
Separate names with a comma.