The yellow font is hard to read with default scheme.
Thanks for the reminder. I was struggling to determine how far I could afford to go into the upper audio range...that I can't hear anyway....
Well, it's possible to edit posts. I wouldn't mind seeing my name removed from that post :winker:
I was asking opp why they assumed it was "being delayed", as if it was being intentionally delayed for some evil purpose. My first line of reply...
"..for this." For this what? I will assume that you mean: ...for reproducing anything the Virus emulator can produce. Well, many people...
And if it DOES kill you, it makes you SMELL stronger. :yes:
Allin said," I think that to take yourself out at your peak... if you could die at your peak, your strongest point, then your soul will be that...
My Ai filed a lawsuit claiming another Ai cloned his Ai using using Ai stolen from a 3rd party Ai. I say we just let them go at it and Ai will be...
I would guess the presets would not be compatible. I have both but only checked them out a year or so ago, because I decided to not invest the...
If you are used to the English language you will never miss the punctuation, fact.
It's just a crappy little article and Carlin is a comedian, after all - Sometimes perceptive and witty, other times just another cheap hack. But...
I saw another reply to this, which was interesting, but didn't seem to hit the nail on the head for me. I would say that, of course, we are ALL...
It may be the EASIER thing to do, but not necessarily "right". Under pressure of time, it can be the right thing to do, but ... There are ways to...
Out of curiosity, what's the bug? (and on what DAW / OS ?)
Well, I still don't know if I can call what I make "music". But i can't really call it "potato", either, so what the hell.
Oh yeah, "Big Pharma" and all that for sure. It's like a big dog and we need the strong arm of government to help hold the chain, so to speak,...
That's why I thought first of Coldplay. "Fix You" and "The Scientist" have a place in my mind / heart for different reasons.
In response to various mentions of "cleansing" and "detox" treatments: SORRY, NOPE, NOTHING WORKS, QUACKERY, SCAM, WASTE OF MONEY AND TIME,...
I smoked from 1980 until 2020, so 40 years. I "quit" a couple of times for a month or less. Then in 2014 I quite for 6 months when I visited my...
In one way I agree. Intellectually it seems an appropriate step. But of course the "seems" part admits of an emotional aspect involved. Of course...
Separate names with a comma.