Hi there. I have been experiencing the same issue. Could you find any solution ?
I don't know how to thank you enough, but you literally saved my time; otherwise I must have downloaded all of the expansion.
I've chose a FM wavetable as @Baxter suggested. Then I applied your channel strip to the FM wavetable and literally achieved that fat sound....
I appreciate you taking the time.
Thank you so much. As always you are sharing some spot-on tips. Would you possibly share the patch and the midi also?
Wow. This plugin is a game changer. I'm still curious how come this plugin hasn't become so popular. Thank you for sharing it.
Thank you so much for sharing your channel strip tip. I really appreciate it. Thanks to your channel strip I discovered DRMS plugin. It is an...
Hi Everyone Even though the following bass is just a simple sub bass, it really sounds so round and comes to the forefront like a main instrument...
Who said that they are definitely organic listeners? We don't have a single proof. There are lots of methods to manipulate the Spotify lists,...
One of the top tier badass moderators in the world. Thank you for making Audiosex and the sister website great.
I don't know how to thank you enough, but you literally saved me from stress.
You should report them so that they can't do the same thing to other sellers. Good luck on your selling journey.
He knows what he is doing.
You are spot on. Thank you so much for sharing the screenshot. Very very useful trick. Edit : I already created the midi and it already sounds...
Oh I thought that you wanted to show Serum sound design settings to create the sound Would you share the preset please?
Would you please upload it again? Thank you in advance.
Wow, very impressing. You literally designed the same bass sound. I use Serum. The website says that That page doesn't exist. Would you please...
The rule I've discovered is pretty simple. If you have good voicing between harmony, melodies, rhythm, you will have a great layering and...
The stack folders as in Logic. The feature I have been waiting for decades.
Hi Everyone How to create the following bass starting to play at 2:51 min? I'm really inspired by the bass sounding powerfull and so pumping....
Separate names with a comma.