are you sure there are "3rd party" snapins?? :guru:
it's on the sister site The Usual Suspects Osirus (DSP56300 Emulator) 1.2.29 MultiOS
UPDATE Thanks to an additional comment on the sister site >>:wink: r4e :wink:<< I could find a pretty much perfect tool for the entire thing!...
UPDATE, just for the sake of it. Using the command line leads to similar issues. I'm also in doubt if this method, using a script (or cmd) even...
Jesus, this is way worse than I was hoping lol :deep_facepalm: I'm not even getting close to a point the script would run :rofl: My lack of...
Haven't used this or anything from PreSonus for a long time, but they have "PreSonus Hub" that allows you to use some S1 stock plugins as plugins...
Was testing v.03 some time ago and was already impressed by that version. I'd instantly buy this if I wasn't broke as hell these days. I mean,...
Thanks for the suggestions :bow: Gimp is the image software of my choice since quite a few years. I'm also using Inkscape regularely, i.e. for...
Yes I stumbled upon this one yesterday I guess. But I didn't have a closer look at all paid options, although there would be some nice tools for...
Thanks a lot for the detailed advise already! :bow: I don't have time until tomorrow to test it but this sounds good to me. Was hoping to get...
This is related to recent releases on AZ and some comments on them. It's about GUI editing in general, but specifically on how to extract multiple...
Windows only and I'm not sure if it would fit your needs, but you could give balabolka a shot. It's freeware and for my usecases it's doing...
The evil company that shall not be named (aka g00g|e) is doing everything to find out who you are, or at least where you're from. If they detect...
Thanks for this one! I'm on a Windows 10 Enterprise version that I can't really upgrade and was mainly looking for a file explorer with Tabs and...
Thanks a lot for trying to help, folks :bow: Thing is, I found a solution for this way over five years ago. [SPOILER] Funny, had no idea that...
I'm really missing Layne Staley on this list. I mean, Glenn Danzig made it... :deep_facepalm:
danke für die infos, speziell zum thema cloud torrenting. war mir bislang nicht bewußt, dass das auf diese weise möglich ist. bedeutet ja quasi...
ich persönlich habs zum ersten mal vor 10 tagen oder so bemerkt. aber wie ich inzwischen gelesen habe sind die schon mehr als drei monate komplett...
nox war eigentlich ziemlich lange meine erste anlaufstelle, aber filer (free) läuft bei mir nur noch übelst langsam. hab gerade nen dl laufen,...
bescheid bitte danke
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