Me likey very much! Nice atmosphere and flow, it is relaxing but I could also imagine enjoying it on the dance floor. I love the main chords,...
If you want your EQ coloured, you are right and Kirchhoff is not that convenient. The thing for me is, that it instantly replaced Pro-Q3 as my...
Kirchhoff EQ Tone Projects Unisum & Kelvin Purafied VU Compressor All of them already mentioned here ... indeed very good stuff.
The delay could have also been modulated with a wah wah pedal I think. At least it reminds me of it, but without being to resonant. Automation on...
FYI: The description in the Diva preset says it's a signature sound created by William Orbit on a Juno 106.
Don't get caught :guru: My three years old daughter already loves Helge... singing "Katzeklo" on her way to the kindergarten
Thanks for the link @The Pirate ... I will have a look. Here is a link to an really interesting article someone wrote about vaporwave and...
True! As humans we are very good in lying to ourselves, sadly. We can whitewash everything. That is why I think it is crucial to reflect your...
Moin, da müsstest du zunächst mal genauer schildern, wie es bei dir aussieht. a) Ist Musik deine Haupteinnahmequelle oder soll das so werden?...
First of all, thanks for the calm & polite answer! I can understand your point of view... up to that point, where the lines are getting blurred....
What is your main problem with unauthorized sampling? People doing it getting sued? People don't having integrity/being dishonest? More...
Even for above average audience it is very difficult to recognize the appropriation of one shots, especially drums. My guess is: it is harder to...
It's the same old discussion. Let me put it this way: my 14-years old me was partly what we used to call a "music nazi" where I come from. I was...
Ha, seems you're right, I listened to your example above before you edited it and was like "ok, what is he telling us here" :rofl: Your corrected...
If you wanna go the path of sampling, maybe you could try a ping pong ball sound as a source :wink: ...and yes keymapped, so you can play...
Thanks for the hint, makes sense. Do you have any suggestions regarding reverb plugins? Otherwise I'd start with something like Altiverb/Seventh...
Thank you very much, this really helps! :bow: Yes, the drums are really dry at the moment, only my holy three of colouring (eq/saturation/comp),...
I'm still using Geist2 and love it. At least no problems for me on Win7/Win10. Is anyone else using Geist2 or knows an adequate/interesting...
Hey there, I really appreciate the kind of feedback users are getting here, so I'll try it myself. :) I'm just looking for some feedback, no...
+1 for that. In addition to that take a look at the choice of samples. For example: your kick has a really different colour. Maybe you thought it...
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