PM me the link if you’re willing to share it. Cheers!
A mix should take no more than few hours. If you end up with 10 versions I suppose is your music. Have a vision for your music. If not, at least...
Did anyone here realize that you give advice to a guy that never in his life worked with a vocalist and vocals - and generally with an entire...
43 ms attack, 259 ms release, -14.7 dB threshold for low frequencies and 22.4 ms attack, 232 ms release, -22.56 dB threshold for the high...
I mix at -10 LUFS my dance music productions (and a dynamic range of about 6 dBs). It’s a child’s play to lift them at mastering literally...
Naah, those answers are philosophies for the sake of filosophy. Empty words. To win at life you need to be skilled: skilled to have fun, skilled...
Taste (which is the missing/underdeveloped ingredient for many including yourself) is very hard to learn. Not impossible, but 80% will fail. The...
Every time I see a very retard post title on the sister site feed and click on it - yep, our friend sam turned foster the troll. If only you'd...
So now that everyone has access to Shadow Hills I think we can close all the mixing and mastering discussions, since everybody will have perfect mixes
Win11 according to Latency Monitor (and the number of tracks I can load in my daw before it clicks and pops - which at this point is never,...
You can. If you want just one crossover at 1K (as in your first example), you need to make two parallel chains. On one chain you place a low pass...
It’s a crossover with 6db/oct slope. Get a pro-mb, set the crossover points and slopes, put the instances in parallel (according to the number of...
You should really learn the freaking basics - like the difference between time domain and frequency domain. Then look at that kick’s waveform...
As usual, searching for ways of doing things quick and backfiring since Apr 4, 2015
Some people are just not meant to be making mixes, music or both
First of all, gain staging refers only to ensuring the next processor in line gets the optimal level of signal. That's it. It has nothing to do...
:deep_facepalm: If you're mixing for a 3rd party, the first step is to listen the material that just came in. The first step is to familiarize...
We had fun, there were completely over the head ironies and sarcasm - you really can tell alot about how little audio people know, when they don't...
Every daw has that plugin. It's called Gain Automation.
These threads below are not "probably", these are "THE" most important two threads of my music life. Changed for the better the way I mix over the...
Separate names with a comma.