He already have the INTERNAL-R2R version...
May I ask your age? [ATTACH]
Explanation please?
$150 is not bad price, NFR status quite bad.
@reFX NEXUS3, Avatar = Nexus 3 GUI, Username = NEXUS3... Mate, is everything alright with you? If you need some emotional & psychological...
Drugs & AudioSEX don't fit together...
Enable Group Policy Editor In Windows 10 Home Edition https://www.itechtics.com/enable-gpedit-windows-10-home/...
The Chuck Norris of Guitar...
@EAR TO LEARN, I clearly mentioned, this method work only with Windows Professional Edition. As can be seen from your image, you have only the...
@Roject, I really don't know if you fool me right now or just trolling me. This need an explanation? And you call it negative trolling? Do you...
@Roject, You rate my comment as "Nasty"? Why? Maybe you need some clarification? See below:
What for Windows version do you have?
@Illadelph, Whom do you mean with “dutch teenager”?
Say, is it really true? Oh man, you're just the absolutely best! That's really so AMAZING AMAZING & EXCITING EXCITING!!! But don't forget to pay...
Did you demagnetize the head & change the tape? [ATTACH]
Softube? What a remarkable coincidence in...
Obviously you miss the H2O installers...:rofl: Here, have a phun... http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=34376
H2O was for me a LEGEND!:crazy::beg::mad:
Separate names with a comma.