If you define codec & compression, you'll go nowhere fast. Instead, it's better to define support & native. Here's my take: 1st-class support for...
Try set your pagefile to 3072 mb for 2x of your least busy HDs, empty for the rest, try your apps, and tell me if it feels faster....
https://www.boomlibrary.com/sound-effects/room-tones-usa/ https://www.boomlibrary.com/quiet-planet-nature-ambience-sounds/
Maybe the statistics are being read at different times?
Yes , https://www.bluecataudio.com/Products/Product_GainSuite/ , but IMX when I used it, it crashed/.
Your DAW already includes EQs. They are probably transparent & use less CPU/RAM. Your DAW probably already includes coloring FX like distortion...
With already mixed music, the point is that it sounds good already, people don't generally make music with deficiencies so you can enjoy...
agreed DSD64 is equivalent to 50/20 if you're being generous, but pushing dither noise >20k is necessary for DSD to sound acceptable since DSD...
I mean if you're dead set on NOT sampling or NOT transient shaper, there's a kick synth here http://gudaaudio.com/kickr . You can synth...
Quikquak mashtactic
Everyone likes waves cuz the sheer number of plugs they make (100-200), there's something for everyone, if you don't like their EQ or compressor...
Auro-3D panner is for their 11.1 surround system.
I don't use kontakt but there's a few erhu on AZ
You can try: Nugen monofilter Sideminder or my "Phase reflect" mode in FFT tool . REAPER JSFX or load in ReaJS .
Maybe try an old/32bit version of cubase?
might be helpful? https://forums.pioneerdj.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/203049499-Export-and-import-playlists-with-Rekordbox
vorbis has phase issues at (really) low bitrates try qAAC instead. Or maybe it's a problem with your AAC decoder.
Here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSsPS_yVP1fUm1tTxFzrZf-jcXCFeyHvZr4c4vzZOlSUL5SlWSDGZBhnDXg4RqD_0B8_QXINTYr_U6p/pubhtml
Well, the FX included in my DAW (REAPER) would be enough for me. ReaEQ, ReaComp, ReaGate, etc. If not, the ReaPlugs pack. But ReaJS is actually...
Separate names with a comma.