The difference expensive A/D converters make in recording or listening is tiny. If you can afford decent middle of the road ones, simply go with...
It sounds like a significant part of your wide guitar sounds are cancelling themselves out when summed to mono, and so when you listen in stereo...
You can find good, non-watered-down mixing tutorial videos by searching for Matthew Weiss. Just hit any of them that strike your fancy: - Mixing...
Don't forget that aliasing can also be desirable. Think about the 12 bit samplers of the 90ies, and their sound, revered in hiphop. Of course the...
You need to understand that panning (as we know it from the mixer) is an effect. It's not natural and the pan knob is not really a very legit...
I don't have a solution, but just wanted to let you know that the size of the DLL doesn't necessarily mean it's borked. It may be what's called a...
You have the right idea. Indeed, if the attack is set too slow, it will prevent the compressor from doing its peak-smashing functions. So most of...
The ad video spoke deeply to me. It said "if you're an annoying kid pretending you're going to be Skrillex, you need this touchscreen product"....
Here are a couple things that are easy to miss, but make a big difference. 1. Rhythmic coherence between the vocal and the backing track. No EQ...
It's not a plugin, so may not fit your purpose exactly. But I'd try the timestretch from Izotope RX, called Radium. Has an interesting "smoothy...
I feel like you'll be a lot happier with your "legit only" setup. A lot of people start with cracked stuff, and then have to put in major...
Reaktor + Reaktor Library + Reaktor User library is the main package you want. You will be building synths/fx/sequencers etc. at a much lower,...
You'd use a 24bit dither if your final wav will be 24bit... A 24bit dither is really difficult to hear but it does make 24bit nicer than without...
Yes. If you're familiar with games, you can think of dithering as some extra anti-aliasing, or something like that, for your visuals. Except this...
I think what's happening is that Fruity's timestretch is affecting the volume, and it's realtime so the normalize function is not seeing the peaks...
Had the same problem. Fixed it by reinstalling Ableton to a new folder, and reboot. They all appeared.
If I had a Mac, I'd be working on Logic for sure. Everything you need, nothing you don't, and it's easier to learn and use. I sometimes check out...
You were trained to sight read music notation and be a piano player. That's how it is with classical music education for most people. Writing,...
No, from a music theory POV there is no way something labelled "C" would actually be in A Minor. All the theorists would die from cringing at the...
@devilorcracker , the predelay is basically an acoustic phenomenon related to how big the room is and the distance to the closest obstacles from...
Separate names with a comma.