I don't think that people know what Asio Link is..., it is almost core audio functionality but in a windows way(Asio+WDMAudio+loopback+networking...
Odeus Asio Link is the only solution on windows, that I know is capable of doing this easily and with very good Latency(no additional latency) and...
But he is using the mme/directx driver(at 8:27min), will be better to see some asio performance.
Dont be cheap on the motherboard if you want to go later with the 12 or 16 core, a 300 up one is a must for at least the 16 core. [MEDIA] I...
There are legacy packs on the home page, the new ones are for v11 and up! Just go to melda, download section and then legacy downloads.
Wellcome to the forum. As i remember,you have a choice to install it to another place...., If you know precisely the name of the plugin, you can...
If you are on win, then use the old Odeus wdm2vst plugin(look on sister site). I use Odeus Asio-link, were you can route audio from one app to...
This is the best solution: http://schinagl.priv.at/nt/hardlinkshellext/hardlinkshellext.html You have to install the Runtimes...
Just go on amazon in your country, and type: Let's talk Code You will see 3 books for python,swift,and c++,all fore free. Thank you for that info!!!
It's ok man, I accept you apologize!!! And I am not downgrading your effort by any means, but everything is in the op...., just read it twice next...
I think you don't understand. First: You didn't make an offer in the first place! Second: Then you downgraded the maschine 2 factory Library in...
Bro, Maschine 2 Factory Library 1.0.0 does not install 86 project files. Are the rest from Maschine 1 or Third Party libraries? They all certainly...
I think his library contain also Maschine 1.0 - 1.5 Library, that explains that 5teeso has 86 project files!? I have 48 project files, but I just...
I have a full install and the full retail disk, if you want it...?! But how you wanna do this? And no pay for me man, you have done Enough for...
Just looked a little for you and found some tools to extract metadata from wave files, but they are just for Linux and win. If i where you I...
Hello Friend,i dont think that there is any metadata on wave file (beside file name and header),so maybe specify what data you mean. There are...
Bitwig has ableton link allready,and if used with Odeus AsioLink you have sync&64 channels of audio in&out(and you can use that setup with more...
as hoffy says discogs is the best way to revisit your favorite artists and explore new suggestions from there,they even have an android app...
a new on i came across is uploadpot.com,i get full speed on my 400mbit conection as a free user,the last time i downloaded a file of 2 gb(i think...
if i get you right, you are more of a recording track by track musician... a couple of weeks ago i came acros the live looper from zenAudio and it...
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