Not really. Audio PCs rarely had Thunderbolt to begin with since it's expensive and not really needed. On Mac it's a different story, because...
If you need to ask this on random internet forums, you're probably chasing tons of stuff that you don't need. Pick one EQ and learn it. If you...
If you're running a mastering studio, yes. For mixing, every track is on a separate thread in pretty much every DAW you could think of.
Yes, that's why I divided drive days by number of drives for my calculation. 600 drive days / 20 Seagate drives = 30-day month period, 300 drive...
The 9700K performs worse than 8700K in audio-specific workloads. The one you want to get if you're on team blue is 8700K or 9900K. I assume we're...
Q1 2018 is kind of meaningless, really. That's just for 3 months, so lots of drives have not failed yet and show a 0.00% failure rate. Now we're...
With a requirement of 300TB, forget USB. You want a NAS of some sort. Probably the cheapest way to achieve your goal would be to look up some...
What you need is called Spectrasonics Omnisphere Software Update
Listen to deadmau5. Record your claps. The best and most juicy sounding claps come from smacking your butt. Layer a lot of takes. Yes, in most of...
Just a little side note, having old cracked version is literally the same as having a bit newer legit version and not paying for updates. I had...
You could not. YouTube allows you to choose either standard license (copyright) or CC-BY, which is a variant of Creative Commons that requires you...
Is Studio One using AU or VST? If it's using VST, then you didn't patch AU versions.
This is true IF your amp has a direct output. While most bass amps do, most guitar amps don't. Also, good point on collaboration. Focus on doing...
It does matter. The fact that you don't care doesn't mean somebody will risk their butt being kicked for you to have fun. If you've never heard of...
Because it violates both YouTube's Terms of Service and copyright. If anyone attempted making a plugin like this, at very best they would get a...
Cool. This is redundant, you're not going to get any more quality from it (none of the legendary mixing consoles, nor mastering equalizers are...
You're comparing 512 samples versus 128 samples. Of course 128 samples will have shorter latency. Set the buffer size to the same value and then...
This usually refers to servo balancing vs actual balancing. The first one is done with opamps, the second on is done with transformers. Both do...
The problem is not hitting the strings. When you play anything, the other strings do vibrate together with the ones you hit. You mute them with...
I actually started digging around to find where I heard it mentioned. It must've been on one of the YouTube channels I watch. SpectreSoundStudios,...
Separate names with a comma.