Well if you want to produce music that sounds like garbage (ie chart music), these sets should be just the ticket... But yeah, the amount of...
This is very probably the shittiest year in all of human's history. Who cares me?
Amazon drive worked well for me. Evil company though so don't give 'em your moneyz!
What about dinner??????
Happy new Year?!?! Where are teh releases???????????????
Graal? Is that a Maoam flavor?
shame on you, you're a bad criminal
R2R probably sent a DMCA takedown notice to Soundcloud.
Lol, nice. Who is singing? Vocaloid?
i like intnerwebz, it haz pr0n
Today it's possible to use slightly larger bits which combined with ordinary bits will give you analog sound, but pristine. Ableton discovered...
i imagine a nice, relaxed elevator ride. makes me feel 50+.
i don't have enough plugins :sad:
*bump* you people are supposed to know everything! or was that gearslutz?
make an image with macrium reflect (free for private use) and deploy that on the new computer
fuckin tight
yeah, that and/or no sexual favors
not working for evil people though, i haz a sad
Grok's first thought is grog, right?
Nah, not really...i justed hated eurodance so much, even though (or maybe because) i love house and techno. When i stumble over some of that shit...
Separate names with a comma.