A Demo would be cool. And, for a new Company, maybe an Introducery Sale... 200 Bucks for something you cannot test is heavy...
Okay, da doch schon ein bischn Zeit vergangen is, hier meine aktuellen Favs: Halion Sonic Dark Planet Vacuum Pro Hybrid 3 Xpand2 :)
Servus Basschild :D
For fast WIP Files i use instaud.io
Thats also why PPL like you begging that MAC PLEASE Shit on the Sister Site :rofl:
Cool :D :wink:
Danke 3typen and thanks pepsi65 :wink:
Hi there, any Idea from what Soundlib this Sound is ? I hear it in nearly every Mystery Documentary: [MEDIA] The Sound at 00:14, Sounds like a...
zib got it :D
The first one who PM me will receive one from me :D
I get it from time to time after i connected an USB Stick and removed him. After some Cubase Starts it disapperars. Win8 / C5 AiR
No Option for me, as i have to use Skype while doing Music
Yamaha AG06. Mic / Guitar, one more Stereo Line In, Headset Connectors and for me as i Stream Live into Second Life i'm very happy with the...
Die Keys hab ich früher immer gelesen. Heute lese ich regelmässig nur die Beat, je nach dem was dabei ist auch die Keys :) Aber die Beat hat meist...
You mean Ducking ? I use GDuckDelay for this: http://www.gvst.co.uk/downloads.htm A nice free tool :)
You should reduce your Coffees :rofl:
Whats about ZoneAlarm ? A bit annoying, asking when an App try to Connect to the Internet, but should be save at all. It's learning all the time...
Air Music Tech has a Promo Sale on 2 of their Softsynths. Xpand!2 and The Riser are both for Sale for 49.99 $ per Synth. The Promocode is...
http://www.powerdrumkit.de/ Try it, its Free :wink:
nimm doch einfach ne 64bit version von w7 dann liegt der riegel nimmer brach
Separate names with a comma.