Only a problem if audio file is used in isolation. Once you start mixing there wont be an issue as once you combine more than one file the ones...
analphabetism 1 n an inability to read Synonyms: illiteracy Antonyms: literacy the ability to read and write Type of: inability lack of ability...
On-board sound cards are never going to give great results using the windows driver. Suggest you get hold of asio4all and select that driver in...
Thanks for your efforts. Will really have some fun jammin with these this weekend..
Have you checked your quantize value. And how far are you trying to drag them. Ticks, beats or bars?
I had a Casio CZ3000 years ago, and it never sounded this good. Thanks for the Heads up
The best I could find was this video, not same model but very similar process. hope that gives you...
Would work on normal electrical contacts, but these are more akin to a membrane keyboard. The small discs of carbon can become chipped or cracked...
The best info i could find was as follows Yamaha Bubble Contact Strip Rubber contact strip, 12-note. This strip contains carbon contacts inside...
I use a lot of Novation gear. I have the Impulse 25 and its got a gppd keyboard action, responsive aftertouch and is easy to set up with your DAW...
MultiRack Native relies on power of Host Computer to process the audio and uses ASIO/Core Audio Interface to connect to a console. What you need:...
Happy Xmas to one and all.
Just gets better and better here....
My link My link My link My link My link My link Here are just a few links from a cursory search on the net. Have fun.
I run a fully legit Cubase 7 setup. Kontakt, waves etc all work beautifully. Am also slowly in the process of buying the plugins I use. Have fun.
Another sad loss.
try :wink:
Just registered, thanks for the heads up
windows media player classic and media player and vlc all allow you to choose the audio driver that you use. Shouldn't be a problem, just go to...
Separate names with a comma.