Sorry for the late reply, but I have been patiently waiting for someone to answer his question... Here is a pic of steaming hot pr0n ! [img]...
ASIO4ALL try that [img] Also ya - basically KILL EVERYTHING RUNNING ON YOUR PC that is not directly related to your DAW ! you have a 64bit os...
I was hoping this thread would stay on topic and not veer off into religion... I will NOT offer any argument of religion here... however I will...
[img] Personally I think YES - the world CAN change... but the framework of current civilization (aka UN, geneva etc) needs to be completely...
Click START button then type in the box POWER now select POWER OPTIONS and choose HIGH PERFORMANCE Most laptop installs default to an energy...
WTF did I just watch ? lolz How do I get that 2 minutes of my life back?? and teh 5 minutes I spent replying... with my 1 finger typing :shock:
It takes 1 pot to transpose on the machine... so minor tweaks throw these completely off... However... here is a Maschine scale chart I have...
[img] as an alternative... just go out... and DO ANYTHING DIFFERENT !!! Hell... go to swingers nite at a local private club.... pay some hooka...
As others have said... but... YOU STILL HAVE HOPE !!! :wink: Simply sell your "beats" to existing online library websites.... Some offer...
I did hear the OP say Will some guy in a black suit still knock on his door even AFTER he has purchased the libraries in question... being that...
You save $100 by using an EXPENSIVE i5 "K" series that is designed for overclocking???? Simply get a NON "k" series i7 as recommended above by...
Exactly - install the NEW driver. I currently have 2 Maschine sitting here. Believe me ... I have seen that before. Thinking I can simply...
I have never met a maschine more sensitive to USB cables than the great Maschine. I have owned Maschine Mikro mk1, Maschine mk1 and Maschine...
The answer for me is 100% here ---> [MEDIA] WHen I live in a house with a white picket fence, a wife, a kid a 9-5 job and a dog name spot... My...
Excellent topic and some great info shared. @VirtualMark - when you noted "every object has 1 or more resonant frequencies" ... that I think is...
I just opened my new Native Instruments Maschine Studio this week and spent at least 10 minutes looking online to see if it was true.... NO...
Ermahgerd! Thanks for sharing. This is incredible - I have some people looking for a collection of this stuff. :wink:
JAVAEVD dot COM seems to be the root of this EVIL ! UPDATE: I just created this simple batch file to REMOVE THE EVIL JAVA CRAP POPUP from this...
Cant cope? Have hope, theres Dmaj7 ! Many of us can relate to you bro. One of the only I was 100% true to left me for cheating with groupies......
Listen to sirsillysausage. You must simply buy a bigger hard drive... NOW ! Installing 300+ gigs of software on a 350 gig HD id begging to be out...
Separate names with a comma.